100 Positive Affirmations For Fear Of Flying: Fly Fearless

Positive Affirmations for Fear Of Flying can be your lifeline when anxiety takes hold at 30,000 feet.

Imagine boarding your next flight with a sense of calm and confidence, knowing that you have a toolkit of empowering thoughts to silence the turbulence in your mind.

It’s not just about getting from point A to point B—it’s about reclaiming your freedom and joy in the skies. These affirmations can transform your flying experience, replacing fear with peace and turning dread into anticipation.

Let’s embark on this journey together, one affirmation at a time, and make fear of flying (Aerophobia) a thing of the past.

Affirm More: Positive Affirmations for Fertility.

Why Use Positive Affirmations For Fear Of Flying?

Why Use Positive Affirmations For Fear Of Flying

Imagine this: You’re sitting in the airport lounge, clutching your boarding pass with sweaty palms. Your heart races at the thought of the upcoming flight.

Now, what if you had a way to calm those nerves, not with medication or avoidance, but with the power of your own mind? That’s where positive affirmations come in.

Here’s why they work:

  • Rewires Your Brain: Repeating positive affirmations helps reprogram your subconscious mind, replacing negative, fear-inducing thoughts with calming, positive ones. Over time, this can significantly reduce your anxiety.
  • Empowers You: Affirmations give you a sense of control over your thoughts and emotions. By affirming your ability to stay calm and composed, you start believing in your own strength.
  • Reduces Physical Symptoms: Anxiety often manifests physically. Affirmations can help reduce symptoms like a racing heart, sweaty palms, and shallow breathing by promoting a state of relaxation.
  • Promotes Focus: Positive affirmations can shift your focus from fear to something more constructive, such as the excitement of your destination or the adventure of the journey.
  • Enhances Resilience: Regular practice of affirmations builds mental resilience, making it easier to face not just flying but other fears and anxieties as well.

Using positive affirmations for fear of flying isn’t just about mind over matter—it’s about creating a habit of self-empowerment that can transform your entire travel experience.

100 Positive Affirmations For Fear Of Flying

Positive Affirmations for Fear Of Flying

Imagine stepping onto your next flight with confidence and ease. “100 Fear Of Flying Affirmations” is your key to transforming anxiety into tranquility.

These affirmations will empower you, helping to calm your nerves and embrace the joy of travel.

🔖 Bookmark this page and recite these affirmations daily for 21 days to start your journey towards fearless flying.

Let’s conquer this together!

1. “I am calm and confident during my flights.”

2. “My fear of flying is diminishing with every flight I take.”

3. “I trust the airplane to carry me safely to my destination.”

4. “I embrace the adventure of flying with excitement.”

5. “My anxiety about flying is transforming into peace.”

6. “I feel safe and secure on an airplane.”

7. “My mind is at ease when I fly.”

8. “I am in control of my thoughts during air travel.”

9. “I breathe deeply and relax during take-off and landing.”

10. “My strength overcomes my fear of flying.”

11. “I experience joy and freedom while flying.”

12. “My racing heart calms when I think of the beautiful skies.”

13. “I am resilient and can handle any turbulence calmly.”

14. “My thoughts about flying are positive and uplifting.”

15. “I am excited for the journey ahead when I board a plane.”

16. “My mind is tranquil during air travel.”

17. “I feel peace in the airport and on the airplane.”

18. “My dread of flying is replaced with feelings of adventure.”

19. “I manage my Aerophobia with calm and ease.”

20. “My sweaty palms remind me to practice relaxation techniques.”

21. “I find tranquility in the thought of flying.”

22. “My fear of a plane crash is irrational and unfounded.”

23. “I enjoy the process of air travel from start to finish.”

24. “My mind is clear and focused during flights.”

25. “I trust the pilots and crew to keep me safe.”

26. “My anxiety about flying is a temporary feeling I can overcome.”

27. “I am brave and face my fear of flying with courage.”

28. “My phobic thoughts about flying are diminishing.”

29. “I control my breathing to stay calm during a flight.”

30. “My mental strength helps me conquer my fear of flying.”

31. “I feel a sense of freedom when I fly.”

32. “My mind transforms fear into excitement and anticipation.”

33. “I have confidence in my ability to handle air travel.”

34. “My fear of flying is manageable and does not control me.”

35. “I look forward to the adventure of each flight.”

36. “My thoughts of crashing are replaced with thoughts of safe landings.”

37. “I trust in the safety of air travel.”

38. “My mind finds peace when I think about flying.”

39. “I enjoy the experience of take-off and landing.”

40. “My anxiety about turbulence is easing with each flight.”

41. “I have the strength to overcome my fear of flying.”

42. “My heart beats steadily and calmly on an airplane.”

43. “I welcome the journey and experiences that come with flying.”

44. “My fear of flying is shrinking with every successful flight.”

45. “I stay calm and relaxed during air travel.”

46. “My anxiety about flying is just a passing thought.”

47. “I feel confident and secure on a plane.”

48. “My fear of flying is becoming less intense.”

49. “I handle the sensations of flying with ease and grace.”

50. “My thoughts are focused on the positive aspects of flying.”

51. “I am at peace during take-off, flight, and landing.”

52. “My anxiety fades as I focus on the excitement of the journey.”

53. “I trust the airplane to fly safely and smoothly.”

54. “My fear of flying does not define me.”

55. “I feel safe and at ease in the airport.”

56. “My mind is calm and tranquil during flights.”

57. “I embrace the freedom that comes with flying.”

58. “My fear of flying is a challenge I am overcoming.”

59. “I control my stress and find relaxation while flying.”

60. “My thoughts are filled with calm and peace during air travel.”

61. “I am confident and secure when I board a plane.”

62. “My fear of flying is becoming more manageable every day.”

63. “I find joy in the journey of flying.”

64. “My mind is resilient and overcomes fear with ease.”

65. “I stay calm during turbulence, knowing it is temporary.”

66. “My heart rate remains steady and calm on an airplane.”

67. “I feel a sense of adventure every time I fly.”

68. “My thoughts of fear are replaced with thoughts of safety.”

69. “I trust in the expertise of the pilots and crew.”

70. “My fear of flying is lessening with each flight experience.”

71. “I handle the sensations of flying with calm and control.”

72. “My mind is at peace when I am in the skies.”

73. “I enjoy the thrill of take-off and the serenity of landing.”

74. “My anxiety about flying is easing with each positive thought.”

75. “I feel confident and relaxed during my flights.”

76. “My fear of flying is a journey I am conquering.”

77. “I focus on the beauty of air travel and the destinations ahead.”

78. “My mind transforms fear into excitement and joy.”

79. “I feel a sense of tranquility while flying.”

80. “My thoughts are positive and reassuring during air travel.”

81. “I trust the airplane to carry me safely through the skies.”

82. “My fear of flying is diminishing with each flight I take.”

83. “I am calm and relaxed during take-off and landing.”

84. “My anxiety about flying is manageable and temporary.”

85. “I enjoy the process of air travel and the adventure it brings.”

86. “My mind is clear and focused on the positive aspects of flying.”

87. “I feel peace and tranquility in the airport and on the plane.”

88. “My fear of flying is shrinking as I gain more experience.”

89. “I handle the sensations of flying with confidence and ease.”

90. “My thoughts are filled with calm and positivity during flights.”

91. “I trust in the safety and reliability of air travel.”

92. “My fear of flying is something I am overcoming with each flight.”

93. “I feel a sense of adventure and excitement when I fly.”

94. “My mind finds peace and relaxation in the thought of flying.”

95. “I enjoy the journey and experiences that come with air travel.”

96. “My fear of flying is manageable and does not control me.”

97. “I focus on the freedom and adventure that flying brings.”

98. “My thoughts are calm and reassuring during air travel.”

99. “I trust the airplane to fly smoothly and safely.”

100. “My fear of flying is being replaced with feelings of peace and excitement.”

How to Use Positive Affirmations for Fear Of Flying?

How to use positive affirmations

Picture yourself boarding a plane with a smile, feeling a sense of calm instead of the usual dread. Using positive affirmations can make this a reality.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose Your Affirmations: Find affirmations that resonate with you, such as “I am calm and relaxed during my flight” or “Flying is a safe and enjoyable experience.” These statements should counter your specific fears and instill confidence.

2. Set Aside Time Daily: Dedicate a few minutes each morning and evening to recite your affirmations. This regular practice helps ingrain these positive thoughts into your subconscious mind.

3. Visualize While Reciting: As you repeat each affirmation, close your eyes and visualize yourself experiencing the calm and confidence described. See yourself boarding the plane, sitting in your seat, and enjoying the flight with ease.

4. Use During Flights: When you’re actually on the plane, quietly repeat your affirmations to yourself, especially if you start to feel anxious. This can help ground you and reduce immediate stress.

5. Combine with Breathing Exercises: Pair your affirmations with deep breathing techniques. Inhale slowly, hold for a moment, and exhale, synchronizing with your affirmations to enhance their calming effect.

How to Write Affirmations for Fear Of Flying?

Crafting effective affirmations is crucial for them to work. Here’s how to write your own:

  • Be Positive and Present: Write affirmations in the present tense as if you are already experiencing the calm and confidence. For example, “I am calm during flights” rather than “I will be calm.”
  • Keep Them Short and Specific: Short affirmations are easier to remember and repeat. Focus on specific aspects of your flying experience that you want to improve.
  • Use Powerful, Emotional Words: Choose words that evoke a strong positive emotion in you. Words like “safe,” “relaxed,” and “enjoyable” can have a significant impact.
  • Personalize Them: Tailor your affirmations to address your unique fears and goals. The more personal they are, the more effective they will be.

By following these steps and crafting personalized affirmations, you can transform your flying experience, turning fear into confidence and anxiety into peace.

Start today, and let your journey to fearless flying begin.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What helps extreme fear of flying?

    Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be very effective in addressing extreme fear of flying. Additionally, relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization, alongside gradual exposure to flying-related situations, can help manage and reduce fear.

  2. What are positive thoughts before flying?

    Positive thoughts before flying might include affirmations like “Flying is the safest mode of travel,” “I trust the expertise of the pilots and crew,” and “This flight brings me closer to my destination and new adventures.” Focusing on the excitement of the journey and the positive experiences awaiting you can also help ease anxiety.

  3. How to overcome flight fear?

    To overcome flight fear, consider gradual exposure to flying-related experiences, starting with airport visits and moving on to short flights. Engaging in relaxation techniques, seeking support from a therapist, and educating yourself about the safety of air travel can also significantly help in overcoming the fear.

  4. How can I stay calm on a flight?

    Staying calm on a flight involves using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, listening to calming music, and practicing mindfulness. Staying hydrated, avoiding caffeine, and engaging in light stretching can also help maintain a sense of calm throughout the flight.

  5. Why do I suddenly have a fear of flying?

    Sudden fear of flying can stem from various factors, including a recent stressful event, increased general anxiety, or hearing about aviation incidents. It may also arise from personal changes, such as becoming a parent or experiencing health issues, which can heighten awareness of potential risks.

  6. Why being scared of flying is silly?

    Being scared of flying might seem irrational because statistically, air travel is one of the safest modes of transportation. The rigorous training of pilots, advanced technology in aircraft, and stringent safety regulations make flying extremely secure compared to everyday activities like driving.

  7. I’m scared of flying what can I do?

    If you’re scared of flying, start by educating yourself about the safety of air travel and the mechanics of flight. Practice relaxation techniques, consider using apps designed to help with flight anxiety, and seek support from a therapist or support group specializing in Aviophobia.

  8. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of turbulence?

    You shouldn’t be afraid of turbulence because it’s a normal part of flying and planes are designed to handle it safely. Pilots are trained to navigate turbulence, and it rarely poses any threat to the aircraft’s structural integrity or passenger safety.

  9. Best sedative for fear of flying?

    Consulting a doctor is crucial, but commonly prescribed sedatives for fear of flying include benzodiazepines like Xanax or Ativan. These medications should be taken under medical supervision to ensure proper dosage and to avoid any potential side effects or dependency issues.

  10. What are flying affirmations?

    “I am calm and confident while flying.”
    “I trust in the safety and expertise of the flight crew.”
    “Flying brings me to exciting destinations and new experiences.”
    “I remain relaxed and at ease during turbulence.”


Embracing positive affirmations for fear of flying can truly transform your travel experience. This article was written to help you conquer your fears and rediscover the joy of flying.

Imagine boarding your next flight with a sense of peace and excitement. By integrating these affirmations into your daily routine, you’re taking a powerful step towards freedom and adventure.

Fly high with confidence and leave your fears behind—you deserve to travel with a smile! ✈️✨

Affirm More: Positive Affirmations for Feeling Overwhelmed.